Monday, June 13, 2011

Faith - Melanie Ellison Sonnet

Our lives are filled with trials and much care,
Which on our own cannot be overcome.
Their prevalence tends to tempt us to despair,
And so to hopelessness we oft succumb.

An answer to the bleak, persistent facts,
Is nowhere near, nor is a change in sight.
A bitter heart in dissonance reacts,
With, “How could faith be succor for my plight?”

Now faith is being sure of the unseen,
Without it, it's impossible to please
God, Who is competent to intervene.
By trusting, what He promised we shall seize.

The Scriptures call for faith in our great God,
Who blesses those who in faith daily plod.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Reply To Katherine - Beth Siemon

Oh sisters mine, you stand with downcast eyes:
You've been enslaved and withheld rightful pride.
You have buckled under to please the guys,
an echo of the day the serpent lied.
You've always thought you were the tool of men
Since the fall, man has gained the upper hand;
You believe that your gender is a sin
If you were Beatrice you could understand.
Oh sisters mine, uplift your pretty eyes:
Let your heart be free and behold the theme.
Don't hold your spirits back, but let them rise,
And take your place amid God's glorious scene.
When God made women He didn't make them weak
Strength controlled is the beauty of the meek.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Katherine Czerwinski - The Pains of Being Weak and Evil: An Amateur Sonnet About Being A Woman

If you have ever been a woman, then
My dilemma will be known to you:
I cannot do what most of the men can
Yes, I'm weak and evil, it is too true.

Lack of strength and sinful desires
All too often dominate my life,
Like an unwanted beast from mires
Of control and unrelenting strife.

But hope's discovered in the little things;
The self sacrifice and acceptance
Of my condition, oh, joy it brings.
No constant hold to this evil trance!

These things I cannot change, not on my own,
But through Him who sits upon the throne.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Walt Hackney Sonnet

Even though there are oceans, seas
Refusing my true love and I
Lord, kneeling down on humbled knees
Do I beseech you bring her nigh
And someday soon we meet again
Dear Lord, please keep her always true
To this lowly man among men
And I the same, and never do

A thing that I should now regret
For now I'll think of days gone past
Remember times I'll not forget
And love this one girl to the last
For there is but one girl for me
Together soon we'll ever be

Monday, April 18, 2011

Anna Andrews Sonnet

My fear is not that life will seem too short
Nor is my angst that love will break my heart
I do not pain that men my words contort
Nor do I dread my worldly wealth depart
I see behind All, time in shapes and forms
Existing on the wings of place and past
What worth has instant lost in rains and storms
When light concealed by cloud's forgotten fast.

My fright is that the sun will set on days
Without our purpose glimpsed like Winter's breath
For God has called for each to win His ways
This world to know their hope outlasting death
For moments gained are worth a thousand's cost
Christ's truth displayed, alone, is life not lost

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Of Blood, Grace, And New Songs - Roni Olson

What do I know of redemption's story?
Its concept embedded within my soul.
Yet my fallen mind refutes its glory;
I yearn to be free, I yearn to be whole.
The spilling of blood a fitting ransom.
Blood availed for me I often do doubt.
Embodiment of beauty, though not handsome; *
Paradoxes ask what love is about.

Yet the substance of things hoped for, the things
I've not seen, are those upon which faith rests. *
While my mouth remains closed, my soul still sings
Of grace undeserved, no longer a quest.
The divine with the human did collide,
And I live through the life of Him who died.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Robert Stargel - Dr. Pepper

There is a poison that I love to drink
It has a way of controlling my thoughts
If I don't have it then I start to think
My brain will slow down while my body rots
The pain raises my senses when I sip
Then pours them searing right back off a cliff
Then I must reach back for another drip
So that my best muscle does not go stiff.

To beat this issue is to beat my mind
Through splitting pain and curing of the soul
I will lose some pounds and yet be more whole
This fizzy issue will be left behind

When I don't have it I will start to think
There is a poison that I love to drink

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rachel Yelton Sonnet

Within the walls of tree hewn lumber sleeps
The noise of laughter sweetly lost in dreams.
Bound and warmed by flickering flames of heat
Untroubled by the cares of worldly themes
Yet warm without, my restless heart does pace
Stirred by the call of lands left unexplored
Behind the mists which shroud the mountain's face
To go, to stay, my thoughts within me torn

My heart does yearn to walk the paths untamed

To seek a world beyond the mountains view
Still, bond by chains of comfort I remain
Inside the sheltered walls of golden hue
One day I know that path my feet will tread
But for today my feet shall rest instead.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nicolea Ronald - Sonnet 1

Thundering water rushes quickly past,
Once strong souls are now lost in its current,
In past days they fearlessly led the rest,
But now are dragged with the torrent,
Following the way it chooses to go,
There is doubt that they will ever fight back,
Limited hope remains for those who know
The river should have no hold on their track.

Then from an old, majestic craft called ‘Church’
An oar comes forth; a strong thrust digs down deep
A strength they did not have pulls with a lurch
Their course this time is intended to keep
To hold their path they need strength more than theirs
Found in a mighty God who deeply cares.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Laura Oliver's Sonnet

For time is something that cannot be controlled
It steals life that should be more than memory
The good times rot and turn to history
Like bread left uneaten will turn to mold

Time shapes what life we have, scorching our joy
As life is the match, so time is the flame
At your death you’ve only got your own name
A blaze, a flash, then time will destroy

Take each moment and make it the finest,
Experience the best in everything new
Embrace the things you know to be true
It is your life to live to the fullest

God gives you every moment of your life
Trust Him in the good times and through the strife

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Josh Litwiller Sonnet

There is a wall that forms in front of me;
A massive wall that hides me from the Cross;
Across the wall a place for what is free;
And this the place of death forth hence my loss.

The land under my foot is not but dry,
The grass so thin, so scarce and not but there;
No warmth, no hope, all happy thought shall die;
This must not be, I need to breathe new air.

So go I must to conquer what is seen;

I climb with grace that from thy God above
Over the wall and to the land of green,
Away from sin and into God's own Love.

Because the wall now behind, grass and dew

I see and now I'm free and made anew.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

John Mitchem Sonnet

My jeep is broken for it caught on fire
And now it sets surrounded by more dead
Forgotten cars that make my mom desire
To let our mess drive her out of her head

I would have liked repairing it this Fall
As soon as money came my way but this
Semester, Summit took away it all
To teach me truth, but Jeeping I still miss.

My father's a mechanical man though
He needs some power since he broke his truck
My jeep has more than he can even know
So think about it: my fantastic luck

Instead of fixing it when I get home
He'll fix it, killing two birds with one stone

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jessica Wedel Sonnet

Can God forgive my lack of gratitude-
Who made the sun, the moon, the stars, the sea,
Who guides the storms and tiny honey bee,
Who filled the earth and by whose love subdued,

Who made the mountains high, the sky protrude,
Who wrote the sweet song of the chickadee,
Who formed the man in the image of Thee,
Who orchestrates the laws of the etude?

I thank the Lord who made, who wrote, who filled.
My gratitude, His mercy does demand,
Because of grace I raise this thankful hand.
The blood of Christ, instead of mine He spilled.

This fallen man my God does not abhor.
His steadfast love endures forever more.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ellen Whaley - Paths Before Me

So many are the paths mine eye can see,
How shall I lead my hes'tant feet along?
Perchance my muse the scientist shall be,
My mind from the great minds of old made strong

As seeking knowledge I their footsteps trace.
Or is my life for diff'rent purpose meant?
Shall “mother” be the cry, from darling face
In sweetest tones, that makes my heart content?

One thing I know and it shall e'er be true:
A greater hand than mine doth guide my way.
No treach'rous wave or sky of darkest hue
Shall ever make Him cast the helm away.

Whatever tale my Lord should write for me,
I shall His faithful servant always be.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Elizabeth Larson Sonnet

Before the sun broke o'er the mountain tops
Shadowy figures striding side by side
A steady cadence of footsteps striding
Rhythmic breaths of air breaking the still dawn.

Perhaps a new route will be seen this morn
Or the old and familiar will be worn
Familiar yes, but not always the same
The ambiance has changed since last I came.

Mornings repast of these I do so miss
Tries to fill with other things have all failed
Soon these days shall occur without remiss
Though when these days shall reappear is veiled.

Until then, I'll learn the skill of repose
And take time to stop and smell a rose.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Caitlin Hendon - Trial Sonnet 1 (1/2)

His mind remembers truth, through clouded thought,
Of youth: that fell from him as day to dark.
The hours he spent for love when love was naught
Have left upon his soul a callused mark.

For birth was bare as he, and none would tell
What hand, or hell, or thought had brought him here.
Or from which cosmic moon or star he fell
Or why the darkness, as the light, brought fear.

His mind remembers truth through clouded thought
Of old age: poisoning a bitter heart
As he began to hate the truth he sought
He sentenced life to death and truth to part.

A man can never know the truth he seeks
Of life or love, unless Truth Himself speaks.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Caitlin Burke - Sonnet 1

Self-focused and tumultuous unrest
Defines the mode in which life is appraised.
Against each minute blossom's sure behest
The locomotive clatters past. Unraised

Are worthy accolades. Neglect abates
A sense of wonderment once had at and.
Man praises man for that which he creates
Yet fails to heed Him who is in command.

Resplendent shafts of light spill forth to touch
The earth and vast green canopies that stroke
The sky and burrow deep. These urge as much
Acclaim as man is able to evoke.

So keep a rightful stance of praise. Make rife
His name. Exalt the Architect of life.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Allissa Dominowski Sonnet

They’ve always said to hide my heart - not wear
it on my sleeve - but bury it in a shelf
kept safe and warm and wanting no repair
as hearts do guard a woman's greatest wealth.
but men did come my heart they sought to steal
with gifts and words so quick to make me fall
for tricks and games that I mistook as real
devotion though it heeded not my call.

these wounds so painful still do mar my heart
which seeks its freedom from the noiseless brawl.
my Father's arms I found I did depart
back to His grace I once again must crawl
He held my heart secure before I strayed
so in His arms again it must be laid.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Alex Barnato Sonnet

Do you know whom that I have sought to find?
In grace I realize that I am lost.
The Christ is ever present on my mind,
To seek Him is to seek at any cost.

Do you know what it's like to feel ashamed,
To struggle along Life's road every day?
To feel as by the Devil's hands I'm slain,
My hope and joy burned up like chaff and hay.

Now things may not be as bad as they seem,
I feel a return of my confidence.
In him, through great Love, I have been redeemed,
And now have no excuse to be hopeless.

Praise be to Him who washed away my sins,
In my heart His Love truly always wins.