Saturday, January 29, 2011

Elizabeth Larson Sonnet

Before the sun broke o'er the mountain tops
Shadowy figures striding side by side
A steady cadence of footsteps striding
Rhythmic breaths of air breaking the still dawn.

Perhaps a new route will be seen this morn
Or the old and familiar will be worn
Familiar yes, but not always the same
The ambiance has changed since last I came.

Mornings repast of these I do so miss
Tries to fill with other things have all failed
Soon these days shall occur without remiss
Though when these days shall reappear is veiled.

Until then, I'll learn the skill of repose
And take time to stop and smell a rose.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Caitlin Hendon - Trial Sonnet 1 (1/2)

His mind remembers truth, through clouded thought,
Of youth: that fell from him as day to dark.
The hours he spent for love when love was naught
Have left upon his soul a callused mark.

For birth was bare as he, and none would tell
What hand, or hell, or thought had brought him here.
Or from which cosmic moon or star he fell
Or why the darkness, as the light, brought fear.

His mind remembers truth through clouded thought
Of old age: poisoning a bitter heart
As he began to hate the truth he sought
He sentenced life to death and truth to part.

A man can never know the truth he seeks
Of life or love, unless Truth Himself speaks.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Caitlin Burke - Sonnet 1

Self-focused and tumultuous unrest
Defines the mode in which life is appraised.
Against each minute blossom's sure behest
The locomotive clatters past. Unraised

Are worthy accolades. Neglect abates
A sense of wonderment once had at and.
Man praises man for that which he creates
Yet fails to heed Him who is in command.

Resplendent shafts of light spill forth to touch
The earth and vast green canopies that stroke
The sky and burrow deep. These urge as much
Acclaim as man is able to evoke.

So keep a rightful stance of praise. Make rife
His name. Exalt the Architect of life.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Allissa Dominowski Sonnet

They’ve always said to hide my heart - not wear
it on my sleeve - but bury it in a shelf
kept safe and warm and wanting no repair
as hearts do guard a woman's greatest wealth.
but men did come my heart they sought to steal
with gifts and words so quick to make me fall
for tricks and games that I mistook as real
devotion though it heeded not my call.

these wounds so painful still do mar my heart
which seeks its freedom from the noiseless brawl.
my Father's arms I found I did depart
back to His grace I once again must crawl
He held my heart secure before I strayed
so in His arms again it must be laid.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Alex Barnato Sonnet

Do you know whom that I have sought to find?
In grace I realize that I am lost.
The Christ is ever present on my mind,
To seek Him is to seek at any cost.

Do you know what it's like to feel ashamed,
To struggle along Life's road every day?
To feel as by the Devil's hands I'm slain,
My hope and joy burned up like chaff and hay.

Now things may not be as bad as they seem,
I feel a return of my confidence.
In him, through great Love, I have been redeemed,
And now have no excuse to be hopeless.

Praise be to Him who washed away my sins,
In my heart His Love truly always wins.