Saturday, March 26, 2011

Robert Stargel - Dr. Pepper

There is a poison that I love to drink
It has a way of controlling my thoughts
If I don't have it then I start to think
My brain will slow down while my body rots
The pain raises my senses when I sip
Then pours them searing right back off a cliff
Then I must reach back for another drip
So that my best muscle does not go stiff.

To beat this issue is to beat my mind
Through splitting pain and curing of the soul
I will lose some pounds and yet be more whole
This fizzy issue will be left behind

When I don't have it I will start to think
There is a poison that I love to drink

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rachel Yelton Sonnet

Within the walls of tree hewn lumber sleeps
The noise of laughter sweetly lost in dreams.
Bound and warmed by flickering flames of heat
Untroubled by the cares of worldly themes
Yet warm without, my restless heart does pace
Stirred by the call of lands left unexplored
Behind the mists which shroud the mountain's face
To go, to stay, my thoughts within me torn

My heart does yearn to walk the paths untamed

To seek a world beyond the mountains view
Still, bond by chains of comfort I remain
Inside the sheltered walls of golden hue
One day I know that path my feet will tread
But for today my feet shall rest instead.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nicolea Ronald - Sonnet 1

Thundering water rushes quickly past,
Once strong souls are now lost in its current,
In past days they fearlessly led the rest,
But now are dragged with the torrent,
Following the way it chooses to go,
There is doubt that they will ever fight back,
Limited hope remains for those who know
The river should have no hold on their track.

Then from an old, majestic craft called ‘Church’
An oar comes forth; a strong thrust digs down deep
A strength they did not have pulls with a lurch
Their course this time is intended to keep
To hold their path they need strength more than theirs
Found in a mighty God who deeply cares.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Laura Oliver's Sonnet

For time is something that cannot be controlled
It steals life that should be more than memory
The good times rot and turn to history
Like bread left uneaten will turn to mold

Time shapes what life we have, scorching our joy
As life is the match, so time is the flame
At your death you’ve only got your own name
A blaze, a flash, then time will destroy

Take each moment and make it the finest,
Experience the best in everything new
Embrace the things you know to be true
It is your life to live to the fullest

God gives you every moment of your life
Trust Him in the good times and through the strife